by cultivated

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Hey there beauties! 

It's no secret that women have a love-hate relationship with their closets. One day we feel like we have nothing to wear, and the next day we're drowning in a sea of clothes. But why is this the case? Well, let me tell you - it's all about clutter! 

We all have those clothes that we keep around "just in case" we might need them someday. But let's be real, when was the last time you actually wore that neon green jumpsuit from 2005? It's time to declutter, ladies! 

Here's the thing: decluttering doesn't mean you have to throw out everything you own. It's about being intentional with what you keep and what you donate or sell. Trust me, your closet (and your sanity) will thank you. 

Now, I know what you're thinking - "but Tracy, what if I need that one shirt for a specific occasion?" Well, my dear, that's what shopping is for! When you have a curated wardrobe of items you love and actually wear, you can easily identify any gaps and fill them with new pieces you'll love even more. 

So, go ahead and Marie Kondo your closet. Get rid of those clothes that don't spark joy, and make room for the pieces that make you feel like a million bucks. Your future self will thank you when you can easily put together an outfit without feeling overwhelmed by the clutter. Some steps to follow to declutter.

In the end, remember that fashion should be fun and expressive. Don't let the clutter in your closet hold you back from feeling your best. Happy decluttering!

